Hornsby Council information relating to road signs. Parking Zone information (pdf 533 KB)
Parents and community members are requested to follow safe driving practices and to observe road signs and speed zones at all times.
Remember to:
- Buckle up every time before you start the engine.
- Slow down. Keep to the 40 km/h speed limit in designated school zones.
- Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front to ensure a safe stopping distance.
- Use safe, marked crossings when collecting children. Do not stop on or around school crossings or in no standing zones when dropping off or picking up children.
- Before driving anywhere, check your rear vision mirror, your side mirror and over your shoulder before you put your foot on the accelerator or pull into traffic. Never reverse out of your driveway without looking to ensure that the passage is clear.
- Do not park in driveways or on footpaths as it is illegal and endangers pedestrians by forcing them to walk onto the road.
It is important that parents teach their children how to behave safely when walking to school or riding a bicycle.
- Wear the right gear, including an approved helmet.
- Wear reflective lights or bright clothing.
- Provide appropriate supervision for children under eight-years-old.
- Cross roads at marked pedestrian crossings wherever possible.
- Be sure the driver has seen you before you cross the road.
- Always walk on the footpath.
- If there is no pedestrian crossing, make sure you can see approaching traffic. Never cross near the top of a hill or at a bend in the road.
Parking – Trebor Road
There has been a slight change to the Parking signs on Trebor Road during school drop off hours.
One side of Trebor Road is now ‘No Parking’ between 8am-9:30am. You are able to park your car in that space but must stay within 3m of your car. This enables safe stopping, supporting your child in exiting the car, getting their bag and walking safely and independently onto the K-2 site.
The new signage will accommodate approximately 5-6 cars and will improve the traffic flow. All other signage on Trebor Road remains the same. If you prefer to walk your child onto the school grounds please do not park in the 'No Parking' spaces.
Trebor Road - Parking