Pennant Hills Public School

Learning for Life

Telephone02 9484 1134


Casual Teachers
To be employed at Pennant Hills Public School as a casual teacher you need to:
1. Provide a CV with your contact details, days you are available and experience.
2. Provide a copy of your 'approval to teach' letter from DEC.
3. Provide copies of the following certificates, required by DEC
-Awareness of Child Protection Course
-e-Emergency Care
-WHS Induction for Employees
-ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training 
4. Register with Classcover 
Training Requirements
It is a requirement of DEC that all staff, including casual staff, complete the following courses and provide certified proof of completion to the school office they are working in.
ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training
The below courses can be completed on MyPL
  • e-Emergency Care
  • Awareness of Child Protection
  • WHS Induction for Employees