The Wellbeing Team is very excited to announce part of the new reward system that has been implemented this term.
We have a new award called a Burumin. Burumin is Dharug for ‘possum’ it has been named after our school totem Pem.
The Burumin is handed out by all teachers, across all areas of the school to students who are demonstrating our three-core values, Respect, Aspire and Responsibility.
Each site also has a Burumin box which is taken to assembly each fortnight. Three Burumins are drawn from the box at assembly, the students whose names are on the Burumin are rewarded with a prize.
When the Burumin box is filled with awards the whole site receives a reward.
Another new part of our reward system is our Tens Frames. Every student has a tens frame with their name on it in their classroom. Every day teachers reward students demonstrating our three-core values, Respect, Aspire and Responsibility with a stamp on the students’ tens frame.
Once the student has filled their tens frame by demonstrating our three core values, they receive a merit award.
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